The Heating Trends with the most energy efficient outlook for 2018
The demand for energy efficient heating methods in the UK has grown massively in recent years. A good thing for the environment and a good thing, generally, for lowering the cost of heating bills - but is it a good thing for installers? Enter the combi boiler, the go-to option for the new build market. It accounts for well over half of the number of boilers being installed across the UK and is by far the favourite choice for developers. Why? Well, it’s not only down to its overall energy efficiency, which is increased when combined with underfloor heating, but also due to its compact size. And, perhaps more importantly the amount of money developers are able to save on installation costs because of its space-saving design. Across large European cities, we are seeing the redevelopment of tiny living spaces, usually reserved for student rooms or offices, being turned into micro apartments. Their rise in popularity, particularly in expensive larger cities like London, is down to...