Shh, don't make a sound: How sound proofing your home could improve your well-being.

To form an understanding of the importance of acoustics and soundproofing in new builds, the Building Regulations for sound (Part E in England and Wales) are split into two sections: E1 and E2. E1 looks at protection from noise from adjoining buildings (flats, terraces, semis). E2 deals with sound transmission within the home itself. E2 is where you - the homeowner - can make a real difference to your internal environment. We all want to retreat into our homes and find peace and quiet, but that’s a lot easier said than done. In the UK the average person spends around 90% of each day inside, and a significant amount of this time is spent at home. One major noise irritant that affects over half of the UK’s homeowners is creaky flooring. In fact, research undertaken by the NSBC has shown that homeowners classify it as a major irritant - worse than noise generated from technology. ‘UK environmental consultants also believe that excessive levels of noise pollution can actual...